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365 Inspirations


I have called this project 365 Inspirations and that is what it really is all about.

I walk my dogs every day and whilst I’m out and about with them I inevitably see something which triggers my brain into a melody of forms and pictures.   It really doesn’t matter what the weather is doing, come rain or shine I have to be out and about twice a day, every day.​  The invention of the mobile phone has been a godsend to me and if there is something that I can’t pick up and pop in my pocket I always have the means of taking a photograph.  From rocks to seed heads to blossom and landscapes, I believe there is a pot in everything!  It could be a shape of a seed or flower bud or a rock face on a cliff or a pebble on the beach or a colour or texture, something always captures my attention.​  For years I have dreamed of collecting a ‘something’ every day and developing that into a piece of work.  Some things may end up being a thrown form, some may be a hand built vessel and some may be purely sculptural.  Who knows? I don’t as I haven’t found the items yet!​


This is a chance for you to come along on this journey with me.  I would like to invite you to purchase a days inspiration and trust me to produce a piece of ceramic art from that days inspiration which will be yours.  Along with the piece of ceramic that I produce from that days inspiration, you will also get the page from my sketch book which shows my thought processes and how I develop an idea into a ‘thing’  that I can make. You will also get, if possible, the item that inspired me, but if that is not possible then you will get the photographs I have taken of the item.​


I would also like to exhibit as many of these items as possible in an exhibition arranged by me once the last item has been made and finished and invite all of you who take part to bring or send your items to me for inclusion in that exhibition.


Doing this project will massively impact upon the amount of work that I can make this coming year so I am asking you to pledge to pay £100 per day or per item really. This project will result in 365 bespoke pieces of ceramic art.  They will each be worth far more than the £100 I am asking you to pledge were they to be sold in any gallery. This project is something personal to me and you as you choose any day to be your own. There will only be one item made for each day so once that day has been allocated to someone by their pledge it will no longer be available to anyone else. 


I am aware that the £100 may be difficult for some of you to afford as a whole amount and I am therefore also offering the amount to be paid in 3 x £34 instalments in the hopes that this will allow more of you to take part with me on this project.​



Check the Calendar to see if the date you want is free (+ 1 means it is already booked) then press the button and

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